Calibration Management System is an online tool to alert you on your upcoming calibration of instruments, tools, certificates renewal etc...

Below are the various features available in CMS and the steps for using the same.

This feature is used to login into the CMS system. You can access the login page using the given link

USERNAME Official email id used when registering the user on the system
PASSWORD A secret code for authentication
Once inside the tool your privileges define the activities that can be carried out by you.
View List

Add User

View List

This option displays all the users tagged to you in the system (if appropriate privileges are enabled, this will show all the users in the system but with edit option enabled only for the users you are tagged to) along with their privileges and status. You can modify the privileges, status or transfer the ownership of the user using the inline option enabled in the displayed list.

Add User

This option enables you to add a new user to the system (only accessible with appropriate privileges). The user who adds another user becomes the owner of the user. Any changes to the user privileges or status can be carried out either by the owner or the admin. The ownership can be transferred to other user either by the owner himself or the admin. The below fields should be filled to create a new user.

NAME Name of the user being added to the system
EMAIL ADDRESS Official email id of the user. This will also be the username of the user
PRIVILEGES Privileges granted to the user by the owner/Admin
Below is the list of privileges available
ADD/EDIT/VIEW Users Grants permission to ADD a new user to the system, edit an existing user or view details of an existing user
VIEW All Users Grants permission to view all the users in the system
ADD/EDIT/VIEW instrument Grants permission to ADD a new instrument to the system, edit an instrument or view details of an existing instrument
VIEW All Instruments Grants permission to view all instruments in the system
VIEW Reports Grants permission to view all reports present in the system
GENERATE Reports Grants permission to generate new reports
This feature is used to carry out activities related to instruments on the CMS system. The options available are

View List

Add Instrument

View List

This option displays all the instruments tagged to you in the system (if appropriate privileges are enabled, this will show all the instruments in the system but with edit option enabled only for the instruments you are tagged to) along with their privileges and status. You can modify the details, status or transfer the ownership of the instrument using the inline option enabled in the displayed list.

These below icons are displayed along side each instrument record depending on user privileges

Enables you to edit instrument details.
Enables you to view complete history of the instrument
Enables you to upload/change instrument image
Enables you to delete instrument image
Enables you to view certificate of the instrument
Enables you to upload instrument calibration/validity certificate
Enables you to delete instrument certificate

Add Instrument

This option enables you to add a new instrument to the system. (only accessible with appropriate privileges).The user who adds an instrument becomes the owner of the instrument throughout its life cycle. The owner ship can be transferred to any other user either by the current owner or the admin.

Instrument Name Name of the instrument being added to the system
Make Make of the instrument being added to the system
Serial No Serial Number on the instrument provided by the manufacturer. Input "0" if not available
Range Minimum and Maximum range that a instrument is designed for
Permissible Error Permissible error is the accuracy specifid by the manufacturer of the instrument
Unit Measurement unit of the instrument
Calibration Method Method/Process used for calibration of the instrument
Master Calibration Certification Number Master Calibration Certificate Number
Master Certification Validity Master Certification Validity
Calibration Date Date on which the instrument was calibrated
Calibration Frequency Period between two calibrations specified in number of months or number of years
Next Calibration Date Date when next calibration is due (Auto calculated based on Calibration Date and Frequency)
Lead Time Time before next calibration date when the calibration agency/person should be intimated specified in number of weeks
or number of months
Recall Date Date after which the instrument should not be used without calibration
Agency Name Name of the agency tasked for calibrating the instrument
Location Location of the calibrating agency
Agency Contact Email Email address of the calibrating agency. If present a remainder email will be sent to the agency about upcoming calibration
Remark Any additional details that needs to be added
Assigned Users Email id of user(s) who are tagged to the instrument. These users can modify the details of the instrument and also
approve any changes made by the owner or the other user. For a licensed account you will need to tag a minimum of 2 users for each instrument.

This feature is used to carry out activities related to reports. Options available under this are

View Reports

Generate Reports

View Reports

This option enables you to view reports generated by other users and saved on the system. You can download/print the report.

Generate Reports

This option enables you to generate new report based on your requirement. You can set the below fields as per your requirement to generate the report.


You can also choose the fields you want in the report. The report is generated once you press the submit button. You can then save the report on the system and/or download it in pdf or excel format.

The plugin helps user to upload device/instrument details supported by NI MAX to CMS. The button to run the plugin can be found under Instrument Management. Click here to download detailed user guide on using the plugin to upload instrument data.

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